Thursday, January 7, 2016

Feroze Mithiborwala Pathankot False Flag Exposed:

Pathankot False Flag Exposed:

This is a map of the Pathankot Air Base. The Red line marks the 11-Feet High Cement and Stone Wall that marks the boundary of the air base. 
Do note that:
1) The 4-6 terrorists climbed over the wall and the FLOODLIGHTS on that spot "were not working at that time"!! So who shut the lights!? 
2) Then the terrorists go and hide in an EMPTY BARRACK for over 12-24 hours before they launched their terror attack.
3) From the time that they time that they took over SP Salvinder's Police car, they, who himself is part of the nefarious plot, the terrorists travelled through 26 kms without being stopped at any of the Check-Points!!
Inference: The orders were from the top for sure. The Terrorists had help from within the Air Base, going up to the highest levels. The Air Base Commander and Ajit Doval, the NSA Chief should both be immediately arrested as a threat to national security. Ajit Doval is clearly complicit in ensuring that the 1.5 lakh Infantry troops who have been adept at conducting insurgency operations were not mobilised from within Pathankot itself, whilst he sent the NSG from Delhi, which actually botched up the operation.
The target is to destroy any hope of a Indo-Pakistan dialogue or a rapprochement. The US-Israeli-Saudi lobbies within both our countries are active and their allies should be identified.

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