Sunday, January 3, 2016

Demanding the immediate release of Dr.G.N. Saibaba who was sent back to Nagpur Jail on 25 Dec 2015 by the Mumbai High Court Bench at Nagpur single Judge order, after 14 month incarceration in the same Anda Cell of Nagpur Central Jail protest programs were held at several places including at Jantarmantar, Delhi, today, 2 January 2016 by various democratic organisations.

A S Vasantha Kumari
Demanding the immediate release of Dr.G.N. Saibaba who was sent back to Nagpur Jail on 25 Dec 2015 by the Mumbai High Court Bench at Nagpur single Judge order, after 14 month incarceration in the same Anda Cell of Nagpur Central Jail protest programs were held at several places including at Jantarmantar, Delhi, today, 2 January 2016 by various democratic organisations.
In Hyderabad protest program was organised at Ambedkar Statue, Tankbund. Prof. Hargopal, Chairman, Committee for the Release of Dr. G.N. Saibaba, Dr. Varavara Rao, VIRASAM, Prof. Harjinder Singh, IIIT, Prof. Padmaja Sha, Osmania University, Jeevan kumar (HRF), Dr. Ratnam, Dr. Indira Kaveri (HCU), Ravichandra (virasam), Duddu Prabhaker (KNPS), Nalamansa Krishna (TPF), Chikkudu Prabhaker, Mahesh (TVV), Devendra (CMS), Dappu Ramesh, Raghunath (CLC) and other activists of various democratic organisations participated and condemned the rearrest and demanded release of Dr. G.N. Saibaba and contempt issued against Araundhati Roy. They also condemned the arrest of Koteswara Rao, Geneal secretary of Praja Kala Mandali by Andhra Pradesh Police. (photo attached)
At Guntur a protest program was held demanding immediate release of Dr.G.N. Saibaba. Y. Venkateswarulu (PDM) and others participated in the program.
At Amalapuram, the Native Place of Dr. G.N. Saibaba, a protest program was held by various Peoples organisation. Sivaprasad (PDM) took part in the program in addition other activists. (photo attached)
At Kodada, A protest rally and burning of PM Modi effigy was organised. (photo attached)
More protest program orgainsed today at various palaces in the district of Srikakulam.

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