Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bengal becomes the phoenix and rises from the dust,united rock solid to defend Indian Children crying equality and justice!Rest of India has to follow suit!

#Resist Shutter Down Democracy #Resist Absolute  Monarchy of Fascism#Save children #Save Universities#Stand for the unity of Working masses breaking caste and religious barrier#Save India and integrity of India#Resist partition and holocaust invoked by RSS#Resist those poisonous worms who eat the heart and mind,humanity and nature!

Bengal becomes the phoenix and rises from the dust,united rock solid to defend Indian Children crying equality and justice!Rest of India has to follow suit!

Prof. Sugata Bose speaks on the Motion of Thanks on the ...

Jun 11, 2014 - Uploaded by AITCofficial
Sugata Bose speaks on the Motion of Thanks on the President's ... Narendra Modi 1st Speech in Lok Sabha ...

Sugata Bose speaks in LS on a discussion about the current ...
20 hours ago - Uploaded by AITCofficial
Sugata Bose speaks in LS on a discussion about the current ...Sugata Bose speaks in Lok Sabha on the ...

Sugata Bose speaks in Lok Sabha on the intolerance ...
Dec 1, 2015 - Uploaded by AITCofficial
Sugata Bose speaks in Lok Sabha on the intolerance debate ... Smt. Kirron Anupam Kher speech in Lok ...

Palash Biswas
অবশেষে জেএনইউ-কাণ্ড নিয়ে সরব হল মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের দল! লোকসভায় বিষয়টি নিয়ে বিতর্কে অংশ নিয়ে তৃণমূল সাংসদ সুগত বসু দেশের ঐতিহাসিক প্রেক্ষিত বর্ণনা করে চাঁছাছোলা ভাষায় অভিযোগ তুললেন মোদী সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে। তাঁর বক্তব্য, ‘‘স্বনিযুক্ত দেশপ্রেমীদের খবরদারির নিন্দা করছি। এর ফলে আতঙ্কের পরিবেশ তৈরি হচ্ছে। আমি মনে করি ছাত্র, শিক্ষক, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের কর্মী, সকলের অধিকার রয়েছে নিজের মতামত নির্ভয়ে ব্যক্ত করার। যদি সেই মতামত সরকারের রাজনৈতিক অবস্থানের বিরুদ্ধে যায়, তবুও। দেশদ্রোহীর ভূত খোঁজা এবং লজ্জাজনক ভাবে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ছাত্রদের বলির পাঁঠা বানানো বন্ধ করুক সরকার!’’ এখানেই না থেমে ইতিহাসের অধ্যাপক সুগতবাবু আরও বলেছেন, ‘‘সন্দেহজনক, জোর করে বানানো কিছু তথ্যপ্রমাণের ভিত্তিতে ছাত্রসমাজের বিরুদ্ধে কোনও ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া চলে না।’’

নীরবতা ভাঙতে সংসদই মঞ্চ সুগতের

Thanks Anand Bazar Patrika!

Rohith Vemula got a Mother in Blue Sari after death!Let her soul get peace!Had he knew that there is some mother India ,he perhaps would not committed suicide without any cause as Manusmriti teried to prove!

Dead Rohith could be Alive if students were not to resist Manusmriti regime!

Excellent performance!

Reference:#Shut DOWN JNU #Shut DOWN Jadavpur University#Burn Alive our daughters#RSS counts condoms#Shutter DOWN Democracy#Shut DOWN All Universities to revive Manusmriti Rule,complete denial of right to education#AYURVEDIC HAVARD Central Universities to replace all universities

My Guruji Tara Chandra Tripathi from Nainital still teaches us the lessons of history.You also may join his class on Hastakshep:

इतिहास और सच की भूमिका

Misinterpretation of myths all on the name of history,religion,caste,identity,nationalism is the root of disintegration,he warns!

He explains the fall of Maurya and Gupta Empires in India,demise of Buddhism,unity status during Mughal regime and British India and shows us how we disintegrate time and again in every century break!

Guruji warns that we celebrate 69th year of Independence and it is RED Alarm again!

We should be united rock solid to defend India`s independence!Bengal leads to make the way ahead amidst the regime of darkness!

Bengal becomes the phoenix and rises from the dust,united rock solid to defend Indian Children crying equality and justice!Rest of India has to follow suit!

Guruji explains how glorification of Monarchs,landlords and killers ends in ethnic cleansing creating blind nationalism!

Rohit Vemula did never knew that he had a mother in Manusmriti in Blue Sari!Had he know it I am sure that he would not have committed suicide!

It has been a super performance of soap opera which is sure to overwhelm the conscience of the nation injected with high voltage extreme Nationalism!The lady overtakes the Monarch!

Only Manusmriti might know how the dead man might be saved as she cried for humanity that students continued the protest to delay the medical care!

Knowingly or quite unknown in an impulsive outburst,the Manusmriti cried Bharat Mata time and again,invoked Goddess Durga and waged a war against the Asuras shedding crocodile tears for the dalits!Enough!

Medical care after death!

You may join his class on Hastakshep!
#Resist Shutter Down Democracy
#Resist Absolute  Monarchy of Fascism
#Save children
#Save Universities
#Stand for the unity of Working masses breaking caste and religious barrier
#Save India and integrity of India
#Resist partition and holcaust invoked by RSS
#Resist those poisonous worms who eat the heart and mind,humanity and nature!

Bengal stands for JNU united Rock solid!
bengal stands for Jadavpur University Rock Solid!
bengal stands for Democracy united rock solid!
Bengal stand for our children countrywide and those institutions where they study,United Rock solid!
Bengal stands for the autonomy of all universities!
Bengal stands for the cry to annihilate caste!
Bengal stands united for CRY FREEDOM!
Bengal stands for CRY Justice!
Bengal stands for Cry Equality!
Bengal stands for Pluralism!Tolerance!
Monarchy and Manusmriti together might not Provoke bengal for yetanother direct action all on the name of Goddess Durga.

Dr,Sugato Bose invoked the Bengali nationalism merged in Indian Nationalism and all Indian great Icons from Bengal to defend the idea of India!

Media reports:Many speakers on the first day of the budget session of the Parliament talked about the prevailing education system in Indian universities. While Smriti Irani, Jyotiraditya Scindia and Owaisi's speeches were high on political rhetoric, TMC MP from Jadavpur Sugata Bose touched a chord with his scholarly oration.

While he also toed the line of his party, he spoke in such an erudite manner that it impressed many people. Even those who are generally opposed to TMC praised the speech.
Meanwhile Bengal continues the protest march on Streets and Jadavpur University represents the Bharat Tirth as Every other Bengali connects with Jadavpur,visits Jadavpur and protest the Monarch`s fatwa #Shut DOWN JNU #Shut Down Jadavpur # Shut Down All Universities for Manusmriti Regime
Those who might not visit the university,have expressed their solidarity.

The Monarch and Manusmriti could Not Invoke Goddeess Durga waging war against Asuras but provoked a few reptiles and worm who intend to eat the blood,flesh and bones of Humanity and Nature!
We never count inhuman elements in democracy!
Democracy must be Human!
Nationalism might not be inhuman!

Excerpts from land mark SUGATO Bose speech:

“Rohith’s tragedy should have stirred our collective conscience, including that of our government. Unfortunately, we have a heartless government. That refuses to listen to the cries of despair coming from the marginalised sections of our society. Instead of assuring social justice to all, the ruling party wishes to use the unrest in our universities to claim a monopoly on nationalism, and tar all of their critics with the brush of anti-nationalism. I am not a communist.. but I stand today in support of the right to freedom of expression by young students who may be inspired by Marx as well as Ambedkar. Madam Speaker, I am a nationalist… I believe in a kind of nationalism that instils a spirit of selfless service in our people and inspires their creative efforts… I deplore the kind of nationalism espoused by the members of the treasury benches that I find narrow, selfish and arrogant.”
Thus,Bengal becomes the phoenix and rises from the dust,united rock solid to defend Indian Children crying equality and justice!Rest of India has to follow suit!

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