Friday, April 8, 2016

Documentary Screening of 'Tehri 2015 - Ten Years of Injustice' along with Book Release 'Why Dams?' on 09th April, 2016 (04:00 PM - 07:00 PM) at Deputy Chairman Hall, Constitution Club of India, New Delhi


Documentary Screening
‘Tehri 2015 – Ten Years of Injustice’
Book Release
‘Why Dams?’

9th April, 2016 | 04:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Deputy Chairman Hall, Constitution Club of India,
Rafi Marg (near Patel Chowk metro station), New Delhi

Dear Friends,

National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) and Delhi Solidarity Group invite you to the premiere of the documentary 'Tehri 2015 - The 10 years of Injustice’ directed by Vimal bhai. The film is a testimony to the human and ecological crisis that has emerged in the Himalayan region after the construction of dams such as Tehri which have ruined the lives and livelihoods of local communities and caused irreparable damage to the environment. The documentary speaks of Tehri dam's history of illegal and forced land acquisitions, violations of environmental safety norms and unfair rehabilitation of displaced families that are still seeking justice even after 10 years of its commissioning. The film is a witness to the dam's devastating impact on people's lives. 

Along with screening of this powerful documentary another work ofVimal bhai – a Hindi book titled ‘Why Dams?’ will be released for the larger audience. The book has been published by NAPM and documents years of work done in dam affected regions of Uttarakhand. The book discusses the environmental degradation, displacement and loss of livelihoods of the people in Uttarakhand owing to building of large dams. Complementary to the documentary, this book reflects on the worsening state of environment and people in Uttarakhand.

About the Film maker

An environmental and social activist working in the field since 1987, Vimal Bhai is not what one would call a quintessential film maker. With a vast experience garnered over the years through active involvement with issues such as communalism, displacement caused by Dams, environmental law violations and rehabilitation issues, Vimal Bhai is today considered to be one of the stalwarts in this field. His initial foray into this field took place while working as a volunteer at the Gandhi Hindustani Sahitya Sabha with senior Gandhian activists Veena Handa and Indu Behen. It is here that he got an opportunity to work with the veteran environmentalist Sunder Lal Bahuguna, who introduced him to the Tehri Dam struggle. He draws inspiration from Medha Patkar, to whom he credits his knowledge and proficiency on people's movements. He believes that in order to achieve a society which is self-reliant on the basis of equality and equity one must challenge the larger developmental issues.     

Apart from Tehri, he is also actively engaged with the ongoing struggles in Ganga and Yamuna Valley for the preservation of the ecologically important environment. In his journey, one of his biggest achievements is the formation of National Green Tribunal through one of his case challenging environment clearance of Loharinag - Pala HEP on Ganga. He has penned down 18 books regarding dam issues and also contributes to newspapers, magazines and journals regularly. He is associated with the Matu Jansangathan, an organization working in the Himalayas on the issue of displacement, rehabilitation and against environmental degradation.

Programme Schedule

04:00 PM – 04:15 PM
Welcome and Introduction
04:15 PM – 04:45 PM
Documentary release by Justice Rajendra Sachhar – Tehri 2015 – 10 years of Injustice
04:45 PM – 05:15 PM
Discussion on Film
05:15 PM – 05:30 PM
Release of the booklet ‘Why Dams?’ by Shambhunath Shukla, Senior journalist former editor of Amar Ujala Hindi Daily
05:30 PM – 06:00 PM
Felicitation of Adv. Sanjay Parikh who is fighting case on Tehri Dam since 1992
06:00 PM – 06:55 PM
“Tehri dam and Dams of Ganga Valley” Panel discussion – Speakers include
·        Rtd Justice Rajinder Sachar, Former Chief Justice of Delhi
·        Adv. Sanjay Parikh, Supreme Court
·        Dr Usha Ramanathan, Legal Researcher and fellow at Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
·        Shekhar Singh - Environmentalist
·        Puran Singh Rana, Balwant Panwar - Matu Jan Sangathan
06:55 PM – 07:00 PM
Vote of Thanks and Tea

Shabnam, Shefali, Sukruta 
9643349452, 9582671784, 8826132559

वृत्तचित्र स्क्रीनिंग
'टिहरी 2015 - नाइंसाफी के दस साल'
पुस्तक विमोचन
'बाँध क्यों ?'

09 अप्रैल2016 | 04:00 PM - 07:00 PM
डिप्युटी चेयरमेन हॉलकॉन्स्टिट्यूशन क्लब ऑफ इंडिया,
रफी मार्ग (पटेल चौक मेट्रो स्टेशन के पास)नई दिल्ली

प्रिय साथी,

जन आंदोलनों का राष्ट्रीय समन्वय और दिल्ली समर्थक समूह  टिहरी 2015नाइंसाफी के 10 साल ’ फिल्म का प्रीमियर देखने के लिये आपको सादर आमंत्रित करता है   

विमलभाई द्वारा बनाई गयी यह फिल्म अपने आप में एक दस्तावेज़ है जो बताता है कि बाँध बनने के बाद किस तरह सरकारें  बाँध कंपनिया पुनर्वास  पर्यावरण के सवालो तक को भूल जाती हैं । टिहरी बांध आयोग होने के बाद भी 10 साल से ज़्यादा गुज़र गये, लेकिन अभी भी समस्याएँ पहले जैसी ही है । पुनर्वास पूरा नहीं हो पाया है । ग्रामीण पुनर्वास की स्थिति राब है तो शहरी पुनर्वास कहीं भी संतोषप्रद नहीं है । आखिर पर्यावरण स्वीकृति का क्या हश्र हुआ है ? फिल्म बताती है कि जिन समस्याओं कोजिन बातों को माटू जनसंगठन ने पहले कहा था वही बातें सिद्ध हुई । टिहरी बांध के चारों तरफ के गभग 40-45 गाँव आज धसक के नीचे  रहे हैं । एक तरफ रेत के बवंडर झील से उठ रहे हैंकिनारे के लोगों का रहना मुश्किल हुआ है तो दूसरी तरफ दिल्ली और पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश को तो पानी दिया जाता है किन्तु विस्थापितों के लिए पानी नहीं है । इन सारी बातों को और सारे आयामों को समेटने की कोशिश है टिहरी 2015 – नाइंसाफी के 10 साल' ।

आइये देखिये और खुद तय कीजिये, ‘बाँध और विकास की वधारणा’ ।

इसी के साथ विमलभाई द्वारा लिखी किताब बाँध क्यों ?’ का विमोचन भी किया जाएगा । इस किताब का प्रकाशन जन आंदोलनों का राष्ट्रीय समन्वय’ के द्वारा किया गया है । यह उत्तराखंड के बांधों पर वर्षों के अघ्ययन और अनुभवों पर आधारित है ।

इसमें बांधों के पर्यावरणीय दुष्प्रभावोंविस्थापनसरकारी पेक्षायें  उदासीनतारोजगार  झूठदावों-वादों की सच्चाई,बाँधों से हुई तबाहियाँराजनैतिक निर्णय क्षमता पर उठते सवालोंनीति निर्माताओं और योजनाकर्ता की भूलों आदि महत्वपूर्ण बिन्दुओं को समेटने का प्रयत्न किया गया है । यह किताब सभी हिमालयी राज्यों के लिये भी उपयोगी है। 

कार्यक्रम सारणी
04:00 PM – 04:15 PM
स्वागत  परिचय
04:15 PM – 04:45 PM
पूर्व न्यायाधीश श्री राजेन्द्र सच्चर जी द्वारा उद्घाटन – फिल्मटिहरी 2015 - नाइंसाफी के 10 साल’
04:45 PM – 05:15 PM
फिल्म पर चर्चा
05:15 PM – 05:30 PM
'बाँध क्यों ?' किताब का विमोचन - श्री शम्भूनाथ शुक्ला,  वरिष्ठ पत्रकार व अमर उजाला अखबार के पूर्व संपादक
05:30 PM – 06:00 PM
सम्मान व वक्तव्य - संजय पारिखवरिष्ठ अधिवक्तासुप्रीम कोर्ट  
06:00 PM – 06:55 PM
टिहरी बांध व गंगा घाटी के बांध पर पैनल चर्चा
·  श्री राजेन्द्र सच्चर - पूर्व न्यायाधीश 
·  संजय पारिख - वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ता सुप्रीम कोर्ट
·  डॉ उषा रामनाथन - न्यायिक शोधकर्ता एवं सामाजिक ार्यकर्ता  
·  शेखर सिंह - पर्यावरणविद्
·  पूरण सिंह राणा,  बलवंत पंवार  - माटू जनसंगठन 
06:55 PM – 07:00 PM
धन्यवाद ज्ञापन

शबनमशेफाली, सुक्रुता
9643349452, 9582671784, 8826132559

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