Wednesday, May 4, 2016

CPM MP Reveals New Proof of NDA Govt's Attack on Forest Rights, Oppn Parties Condemn Seven Parties Support National Convention Against Illegal Takeover of Forest Resources, Delegates from Eleven States Join

CPM MP Reveals New Proof of NDA Govt's Attack on Forest Rights, Oppn Parties Condemn

Seven Parties Support National Convention Against Illegal Takeover of Forest Resources, Delegates from Eleven States Join

On May 4th, 2016, in New Delhi, CPI(M) MP Com. Jitendra Choudhury revealed that he has written documents showing how the Prime Minister's Office and the Environment Ministry have continuously attempted to empower bureaucrats and bypass citizens' rights - even those enshrined in law in the Forest Rights Act. Notwithstanding a judgment of the Supreme Court and their own public professions of commitment to forest rights, the Narendra Modi government continues to try to bypass the law - even after its own Tribal Ministry has said such moves are "illegal". Com. Choudhury noted that this is of a piece with the government's general efforts to disempower people. As with the land acquisition ordinance last year, the NDA government appears hell bent on empowering bureaucrats and corporates and destroying all transparent, accountable procedures for handing over land.
These documents have been provided to us and will be uploaded on our website shortly. Contact information for Com. Jitendra Choudhury is at the end of this email.
Com. Choudhury made these statements at the National Convention on Illegal Takeover of Forest Lands and ResourcesCongress leader Jairam Ramesh and JD(U) leader Ali Anwar (Rajya Sabha) also condemned the NDA government's systematic attempt to grab natural resources and marginalise people's rights - especially in forest lands. Shri Jairam Ramesh explained how the Environment Ministry's order of 2009, which spelled out the FRA's requirements of gram sabha consent and completion of recognition of rights before diversion of forest land, is under systematic attack under the NDA. He noted that he had also faced tremendous pressure to privatise forest land for industry, but had resisted it; the NDA government then issued orders to that effect in August 2015. Shri Ali Anwar attacked the government for its anti-people policies and deliberate cultivation of corporates and the bureaucracy.
Leaders of the Telengana Rashtriya SamitiBahujan Samaj PartyCommunist Party of India and the Communist Party of India(Marxist Leninist) Liberation sent statements of support and expressed regret that due to Parliament and other obligations they could not attend (details are below).
Over 250 delegates from mass organisations and people's movements from ten States - Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and Himachal - joined the convention and spoke about the struggles in their States and the illegal grabbing of resources and lands. From every state the same pattern repeated - Centre and State governments conniving in failing to recognise people's rights over forest lands, as well as the Central government facilitating the illegal takeover of forest land through encouraging diversion without consent, plantations on people's lands, and funding of parallel institutions intended to displace the powers of the gram sabha.
The Convention ended with a condemnation of the consistent and criminal attack on transparency, accountability and democratic control over natural resources by the NDA government and by most State governments.
Campaign for Survival and Dignity 9873657844,,
Com. Jitendra Choudhury, Lok Sabha, CPI(M) 9862567842
Shri Jairam Ramesh, Rajya Sabha, Congress 9868181302
Shri Ali Anwar, Rajya Sabha, JD(U) 9868181015
Those who could not come but issued statements:
Shri Vinod Kumar, Lok Sabha parliamentary party leader, Telengana Rashtra Samiti 9848037689
Shri Ambeth Rajan, Rajya Sabha MP and Treasurer, Bahujan Samaj Party 9868222333
Com. C.R. Bakshi, Vice President, All India Adivasi Mahasabha and Communist Party of India 9425202641
Com. Kavita Krishnan, Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist) Liberation and All India Peoples Forum
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