Sunday, May 8, 2016

Jab koi baat bigad jaye, jab koi mushkil pad jaye....never lose your wit! tongue emoticon JNU alumni in solidarity with the ongoing movement! ‪#‎FightBackJNU‬

Jab koi baat bigad jaye, jab koi mushkil pad jaye....never lose your wit! tongue emoticon
JNU alumni in solidarity with the ongoing movement!


The loyal puppet - His Highness our VC - finally speaks up! But on what? Not a word on the demands of the students, no assurance about taking back the punishments. But instead calls the hunger strike 'unlawful' and 'unconstitutional'. Are you serious? So what are you going to do now? Call the police once again, and get the students arrested this time under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. Already you have sent your report to the anti-terror cell! And the most insulting line is the last line of the first para. '...put forward your demands, IF ANY'. The students have been on a hunger strike for a week now, you don't know what are the demands? Atrocious is the word for this so called appeal. Your cruelty is reaching a new level now.
Let this ring loud and clear - we are not calling off the hunger strike, more students will join. Our health is deteriorating, not our morale and commitment to fight. We will not accept the farce called HLEC, we will not accept even a single punishment. The movement is going to intensify further. This is a fight for democracy and justice. Appealing to all students to join and actively strengthen the movement. We have to defeat our immediate adversary and his fascist masters through our collective strength!

Tonight on fifth day of JNUSU's indefinite hunger strike, join in large numbers effigy burning of communal-fascist ABVP for their repeated attacks on Prof. G.N. Saibaba. Tonight at 9 pm at Freedom Square (Ad Block). 

Prof. Saibaba, a professor at Ram Lal Anand College at Delhi University, has been one of the most outspoken teachers in DU. He has stood by and been an active part of the struggles of the teachers and students in DU against the imposition of semester system, FYUP, against the scuttling of OBC reservations. And just like the JNU students movement, he has also connected the dots between what is happening inside out universities and what is happening in the society outside. He has opposed imperialist globalisation and has been one of the most vocal opponents of the all out war launched by the Indian state against the adivasis of Central and Eastern India codenamed Operation Greenhunt. It is an open secret that this war is launched at the behest of big corporations who are eying the rich mineral resources of the region. And that requires the elimination of several most oppressed adivasi communities who are seen as 'sitting' over lands that can reap super profits for the corporations. For this 'crime' of joining the dots and lending his voice to the most oppressed, he has been facing the brunt of the state machinery for the last 3 years that has come down with all its might on him. He was subjected to a vicious media trial, his house was raided, he was virtually kidnapped in the name of arrest on May 9, 2014 when he was returning from exam duty. In prison, he was subjected to a torturous confinement where he was kept in solitary confinement in the notorious Anda Cell and denied essential life saving medicines. He was finally granted 6 months bail last June, only to be rearrrested again in December 2015 and underwent the same ordeal in prison all over again. This time, in fact, the treatment was even worse as he has himself pointed out in interviews to the press. During this entire period, he family was reduced to penury. Finally, he got regular bail from the Supreme Court on 2nd April this year. This was a major victory for the democratic rights movement, but as subsequent events showed the fight is certainly not far from over.

It has been more than a month since his release from prison, and he hasn't yet been reinstated in his college by the college administration. And everytime, he has visited his college, a handful of goons belonging to the ABVP, the henchmen of this fascist state have attacked him. The students and teachers of the college have come out strongly in his support and every time they have formed a human chain to save him. But what has been most shameful is the role of the administration. The college administration that has till now refused to re-instate him, rather than standing by him now or taking action against ABVP goons has now asked him to not even enter the college premises as it apparently creates 'security' problems. This is such an old pattern - right wing goons attack you or your public meeting, the administration rather punishing those who attacked comes down on the ones who are attacked in the name of 'law and order' problems. But what is disconcertening is the blatant and completely open manner in which university administrations - be it in HCU, JNU, Allahabad University, DU or elsewhere - are openly declaring their allegiance to RSS.

We need to fight this back. In fact our struggle in JNU is exactly the same. It is not about a few students in JNU facing rustication, it is rather about ensuring that our universities and public spaces are not taken over by the lynch mob in power. At a time, when the Modi-Raman Singh-Kalluri combine have declared their Mission 2016 in Bastar, i.e., further intensification of the war on adivasis and is even planning air strikes, the voices like that of Prof. Saibaba, Jagdalpur Legal Aid Group, Soni Sori must be protected and stood by. Just like we will not accept any punishment on any student in JNU, we will also not tolerate any further harassment and attacks on Prof. Saibaba. Whether you are a student of JNU or not, please join tonight's effigy burning in large numbers.

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